tag 392401 - patch

gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 18:58:34 +0200, Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) wrote:
> >    /usr/share/doc/liblpsolve55-dev/examples/demo must be moved to something
> > like /usr/bin/liblpsolve-demo or somewhere in /usr/lib.
> Cf. the attached patch.

Broken patch, IMHO. I understand that reasoning for programs/stuff to
use but not for demos.
Demos belong into /usr7share/doc, nothing relies on that etc.

*If* the above is not allowed I'd prefer to not ship "demo" at all instead
of shipping it in a patch no one will look at at. Unless you also create
a symlink...

And why are you sending a pathh containg "NMU" (idirectly threatinging
with it) for a (IMHO non-)RC bug which is only 4 days old?


 .''`.  Ren� Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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