Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Only on some hardware. The exact circumstances havn't been determined
> yet, and I'm still unable to reproduce it on my notebook with i810
> driver.

I hardly think that it is hardware dependend. I could verify it on
different i386 and am64 systems, with completely different
graphic-cards/drivers. Someone other posted results with different
window managers, and even without a window manager it doesn't work.

> please help to determine what actually causes this error.

Tell me what you need more and I'll send you the logs or whatever is needed.

> btw, because I've seen a similar bug with firefox. What DefaultDepth do
> you have in your xorg.conf? If it happens to be 16, please try
> increasing it to 24 and see if this bug goes away.

The defaultdepth seems not to be the problem, I tried on 8, 16 and
24bit, the problem was excately the same on all these depths.

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