* Alessio Gaeta wrote:
> Hi, thanks for quick reply.
> The problems has disappeared re-upgrading Compiz from 0.0.13 to 0.2.0 (I 
> was following up my own post and I found yours...): don't ask me why, 
> I'm wondering what's happened.
> Anyway now, when I launch 'compiz --replace', gtk-window-decorator 
> crashes with a segmentation fault, so I don't get windows borders at 
> all. Disabling the 'use_metacity_theme' in gconf/apps/gwd allow to 
> gtk-window-decorator to start normally, but of course I don't still have 
> windows borders. This fact makes me think to a compatibility problem 
> with Metacity themes.
> I'm using the latest version available in Debian repositories of 
> Metacity related stuff and xserver-xorg-core 2:1.1.1-9.

Are you using metacity >= 2.16 from experimental? That *could* explain the
problem. Or did you perhaps change anything in the gconf entries for compiz?
Are you explicitly specifying the plugins to load on the command-line?

Do the effects work for you? That is, do you have wobbly windows?
Transparency? Anything?

 - Thierry

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