On Wed, Dec 06, 2006, Radu Spineanu wrote:
> A fixed packaged was already uploaded. You can get it fresh from here:
> http://incoming.debian.org/xen-tools_3.0~beta1-2_all.deb

 Yep, saw the upload.  You might want to surround your:
    if [ -L "/usr/lib/xen-tools/dapper.d" ]; then
            rm /usr/lib/xen-tools/dapper.d
 with a version check, just in case the admin later wants to symlink
 this to a different location (this is the reason of the dpkg
 "feature"); it has the added benefit of encoding the version where the
 change happened more precisely, so that you can later drop the preinst

 The resulting package is fixed for me.

 "I have no strong feelings one way or the other." -- Neutral President

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