On Monday 11 December 2006 22:10, you wrote:
> Upon startup kdvi crashes, and if embedded in another KDE application
> causes that application to crash, as well. When starting kdvi from
> xterminal I get following error messages:


I am currently unable to reproduce this under any normal conditions.

What does your /usr/share/services/emptymultipage.desktop contain? Do you have 
the file? if yes, can you try send it to the bug report?
And what about /usr/share/servicetypes/kmultipage.desktop

If you try to apt-get --reinstall install kviewshell, do your problem 

I cannot telnet to the editor, how does it work?

From Mac 6.4.3 you neither must turn off the mail over a GPU, nor should send 
the tower to remove from the case.

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