severity 405336 wishlist
tag 405336 - security
retitle 405336 Please do not bind to the wildcard-address

* Stephen Gran schrieb am 02.01.07, um 19:31 Uhr:
> > Maybe the client address is checked, after vdr has accepted the connection.
> > (I haven't looked into this.)
> This is indeed the logic:
> ...
> I'm not the maintainer, but I suggest downgrading the severity and
> removing the security tag from this report as a first step.  If it was
> my package, I might suggest closing it (or perhaps redoing it as a
> wishlist bug to only bind to some interface or IP address, rather than
> all).

Thank you very much for taking a look at the source, i agree that it
would be the best to downgrade the bug to wishlist.


Thomas Schmidt, Debian VDR Team

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