Just poking around for low-hanging RC fruit...

This bug appears to me to have split into three
seperate bugs:

cryptsetup bug, when given bad data upgrade-header code corrupts header
        This seems to be serious, and the point of #403426
        On the other hand, if this bug only triggers when the kernel page
        caching gets boned, it's probably not serious against cryptsetup,
        but is the fault of the next bug.
        Either way, fixed by the changes in rev20 upstream SVN, or the
        1.0.5 release.

linux-image-2.6.18-3-ixp4xx bug, LUKS (and FUSE?) triggers page-cache
        This one seems critical, but has known fixe in
        flush_anon_page-generic.patch and flush_anon_page-arm.patch in
        debian-kernel SVN.

linux-image-2.6.18-3-ixp4xx bug, LUKS (but not FUSE?) fails to mount
        under heavy load.
        This seems less than serious (it's not actively corrupting data from
        what I'm reading in the buglog) but prolly should be a seperate
        bug for tracking purposes.

Anyway, from the looks of things there ought to be three seperate bugs
here, #403426 against cryptsetup, maybe downgraded and two against
linux-image-2.6.18-3-ixp4xx one critical (making an entire partition
unusable) and one important)

This would mean that cryptsetup is not unneccsarily RC, and the
critical data-corruption bug in linux-image-...-ixp4xx _is_ both
visible and appropriately RC.

Obviously it's submitter's and maintainer's calls, and I've already done
one impossible^wstupid thing before breakfast today with the BTS control
bot, so I'll just leave this here as a suggestion.

On the other hand I am glad now I didn't bother setting up LUKS on the
slug I built last week...

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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