"Lex Spoon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I plan to upload new versions of the scala and sbaz packages in the next
> couple of weeks, so I do appreciate all of the sleuthing you guys have
> done.
> On a couple of notes:
> I will use Frank's suggested tetex dependencies:
>    tetex-bin | texlive-latex-base, tetex-extra |
> texlive-fonts-recommended

No, this is not what I suggested, and it's a receipe to get FTBFS bugs -
important for etch, RC as soon as tetex is dropped in the lenny release

> The Latex files are pretty normal, so this is hopefully enough.

It's not hard to actually test it (trying might even be faster than
looking at the LaTeX code).  Just log into a pbuilder chroot, install
the two texlive packages you need for sure, and try whether it builds or
needs anything else.

> I don't understand the comment about times.  Googling suggests that it
> is still recommended usage.  

Google gives a lot of bad advice.  

texdoc psnfss2e

Section 9: Obsolete packages

> Further, mathptmx seems to be about *math*
> fonts, but these documents do not use math mode.  

No, it is *also* about using proper math fonts if required.  Using it
will not do *great* harm (slightly oversized Helvetica, if you use sans
serif anywhere, for example), but it will also show one more google hit
of "still recommended usage".


is the correct replacement, except that Times is not an ideal font for
letter or A4 paper in single-column layout, it gives too many letters in
a line.  s/mathptmx/mathpazo/ gives you Palatino which many find better,
or use one of the other combinations outlined in psnfss2e.pdf.

> I'm going to leave it
> as times for now; even if it's obsolete, it's wildly popular and should
> continue to work.

Yes, it will never be possible to nuke it if everybody insists on using
it for producing ugly documents :-(

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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