found 411117 0.84-2.sarge.13
found 411117 0.88.7-1
found 411117 0.90~rc3-1
notfound 411117 0.84-2.sarge.14
notfound 411117 0.88.7-2
notfound 411117 0.90-1
close 411117 0.90-1
close 411117 0.88.7-2
close 411117 0.84-2.sarge.14
found 411118 0.84-2.sarge.13
found 411118 0.88.7-1
found 411118 0.90~rc3-1
notfound 411118 0.84-2.sarge.14
notfound 411118 0.88.7-2
notfound 411118 0.90-1
close 411118 0.90-1
close 411118 0.88.7-2
close 411118 0.84-2.sarge.14

Fixes for these have been uploaded to stable-security, volatile,
testing-proposed-updates, and unstable.  Sorry about any wait time -
it's now out of my hands.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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