Dear Falk Hueffner, you wrote:
> Package: yodl
> Version: 2.10-1
> Severity: serious
> Justification: no longer builds from source

Brrr... Sounds ominous. Especially since the 2.04a *did* build on Alpha.  I
looked at the logs, and did notice some unexpected and possibly serious
warnings, which definitely need some attention. One of the changes implemented
in version 2.10 is the use of size_t rather than unsigned. It looks as though
that's both the cause of the unexpected warnings and the cause of the
execution problem. Actually, yodl builds fine, but then its execution shows
unexpected behavior. E.g., messages like

> std.html.yo:100: DEFINEMACRO: max. 61 arguments supported, not 1

are of course remarkable: if 61 is the maximum number, then 1 should not
qualify for an error, should it?

Now my problem is that as far as I know nobody in my environment uses the
Alpha running Debian Linux. I can ask around, maybe one of my colleagues has
an Alpha. But on the other hand: maybe you could provide me with a (temporary)
account on an Alpha so I can research the problem's cause myself rather than
using a real `man-in-the-middle' who I would constantly have to ask to
perform the next test.

So, thanks for letting me know about this problem. I'll certainly have a look
at it as soon as possible. Depending on me gaining access to an Alpha, the
repair may either come quickly or not as quickly.


    Frank B. Brokken
    Computing Center, University of Groningen
    (+31) 50 363 9281
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    Key Fingerprint: 8E36 9FC4 1DAA FCDF 1A0D  B19F DAC4 BE50 38C6 6170

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