Hi Attila,

I've prepared an NMU for this bug.  The NMU patch, with the autogenerated
parts stripped out, is attached.  Unfortunately the autogenerated parts are
quite large because the package lacked a proper clean target, so this NMU
includes a patch to strip those out in the interest of future cleanliness.

The NMU will be uploaded to incoming shortly.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/
diff -Nru /tmp/yZwCv4FkG9/zorp-3.0.8/configure.in /tmp/GwgxXBxXSp/zorp-3.0.8/configure.in
--- /tmp/yZwCv4FkG9/zorp-3.0.8/configure.in	2005-11-03 01:14:15.000000000 -0800
+++ /tmp/GwgxXBxXSp/zorp-3.0.8/configure.in	2007-03-18 22:39:38.000000000 -0700
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@
 dnl ***************************************************************************
 dnl Argument processing which might affect detection
diff -Nru /tmp/yZwCv4FkG9/zorp-3.0.8/debian/changelog /tmp/GwgxXBxXSp/zorp-3.0.8/debian/changelog
--- /tmp/yZwCv4FkG9/zorp-3.0.8/debian/changelog	2006-10-10 07:10:15.000000000 -0700
+++ /tmp/GwgxXBxXSp/zorp-3.0.8/debian/changelog	2007-03-18 23:27:49.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+zorp (3.0.8-0.3) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * High-urgency upload for RC bugfix.
+  * debian/rules: Explicitly run aclocal-1.7 instead of aclocal (FTBFS with
+    aclocal-1.9).
+  * configure.in: Set datadir and libdir to ${prefix}/share and ${prefix}/lib.
+    This is fixed upstream in version 3.0.14b with more intrusive changes in
+    the build system. Note that ./configure --datadir and --libdir won't work.
+    Closes: #413933
+  * Thanks to Nicolas Francois for the patch.
+  * Also fix the clean target to use make distclean, not just make
+    clean.
+  * The previous change requires setting ZORP_PACKAGE_LICENSE=gpl when
+    calling configure to avoid another FTBFS.
+ -- Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 18 Mar 2007 20:54:44 -0700
 zorp (3.0.8-0.2) unstable; urgency=high
   * Non-maintainer upload to fix release critical bug.
diff -Nru /tmp/yZwCv4FkG9/zorp-3.0.8/debian/rules /tmp/GwgxXBxXSp/zorp-3.0.8/debian/rules
--- /tmp/yZwCv4FkG9/zorp-3.0.8/debian/rules	2006-09-03 14:45:04.000000000 -0700
+++ /tmp/GwgxXBxXSp/zorp-3.0.8/debian/rules	2007-03-18 23:27:18.000000000 -0700
@@ -34,9 +34,8 @@
-	aclocal
-	AUTOMAKE="automake-1.7" autoreconf -i -f
-	CFLAGS=$(DTEST) ./configure $(confflags) \
+	ACLOCAL="aclocal-1.7" AUTOMAKE="automake-1.7" autoreconf -i -f
+	ZORP_PACKAGE_LICENSE="gpl" CFLAGS=$(DTEST) ./configure $(confflags) \
 		--prefix=/usr \
 		--mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man \
 		--infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info \
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@
 	rm -f debfiles-stamp
 	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
-	-$(MAKE) clean
+	-$(MAKE) distclean
 	-rm config.log config.status

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