Thanks for the NMU. I've been quite busy and I appreciate the help.

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 at 21:05 -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> clone 414660 -1
> severity -1 wishlist
> retitle -1 please update csound to version 5 for 64-bit support
> tags 414660 patch
> thanks
> Hi Hans,
> I've prepared an NMU for this bug, to drop alpha/ia64/amd64 from the
> architecture list for csound.  Please find the patch attached, with
> autogenerated changes stripped out.  (csound also lacked a proper clean
> target, so I've corrected this in the upload and future versions should no
> longer have any autogenerated changes that are an issue.)
> This NMU will be uploaded to incoming shortly.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
> Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

Hans Fugal ;
There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the 
right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself.
    -- Johann Sebastian Bach

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