On Fri, 6 Apr 2007 23:42:15 +0900 Osamu Aoki wrote:

> If Francesco feels strong about this issue, he should at least put his
> effort to send out licensing clarification notice to all involved with
> contactable address and give us how they respond to the licensing
> clarification to the GPL2 and move one.  If anyone object, they should
> clarify what section they own copyright and, if they disagree, let
> them or Francesco report to us about their position.  Then we remove
> that section.

That is more or less what I am planning to do, even though all this "you
do the work and then report back" is not really encouraging.
However, before moving on with this plan, I need to see whether there's
consensus at least among the copyright holders that are subscribed to
the debian-doc list: if one of the main co-authors objected to the
licensing, any effort in contacting all the individual contributors and
asking them to agree to the currently proposed licensing would be a
waste of time...

> For the record, I sign up any DSFG compliant copyright notice.

I take it as an agreement to the licensing proposed in the final part of

Could you please determine the years in which you have contributed to
the Release Notes and tell me how you would want your copyright notice
look like?

Copyright $YEARS Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Which years?  With or without e-mail address?  With a different e-mail

> Francesco, thanks for pointing out shortcomings

You're welcome.

> but please think first
> how to improve situation and put your effort rather than letting
> others do lots of work for non-critical issue.

So far, it seems that many people want *me* to do lots of work...

> Sorry for strong word
> but if you did what Javi did, I would have been a bit more positive. 
> I know you feel strong about this issue but improving situation is
> best done by coercion not finger pointing.

I am not pointing fingers: I reported an issue, I am not the one who is
supposed to fix it (IANADD).  I am happy to help, but only as long as
other involved people act in a cooperative manner...

 Need to read a Debian etch installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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