tags 41862 + moreinfo

hi guys,

i haven't been able to reproduce this, but this could be my fault as the
only way i have to test this is by upgrading an etch chroot to sid in
cowbuilder.  i'm doing the following:

# undo some of the "don't do stuff in the chroot" stuff
apt-get install dialog less vim
sed -i -e 's,makedev,makedev|mysql,' /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
echo set debconf/priority low | debconf-communicate debconf

# sorry about the line wrapping, but it should be clear what's going on
apt-get install mysql-server
mysql -e 'update mysql.user set password=PASSWORD("foo") where
user="root"; flush privileges;'
mysql -pfoo -e 'delete from mysql.user where user="root" and
host="copelandia"; flush privileges;'
sed -i -e 's/etch/testing/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update; apt-get upgrade;

and after all of this the passwords are still set as they were before.
what am i missing?

but secondly, i think i've found two bug reports in mysql's bts that may
be of interest:


...in which even newer versions of mysql_install_db were causing trouble
when being called a second time on the same directory.  and more


...in which it's stated that mysql_install_db *should* be idempotent, at
least wrt the mysql.user tables.  btw this was reported yesterday and
fixed today.

i don't have much more time to look into things tonight, but i wasn't
expecting to have any time to look at things in the first place tonight.
i will have a few hours tomorrow though... so olaf if you could provide
me with the missing info i'd appreciate it.  if the new mysql_install_db
fixes things that's great but i'd still like to have some test code to
verify this.


On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 01:40 +0200, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Sean, do you have time do deal with this as I'm away from tomorrow evening?
> The first idea for a fix would be to only call mysql_install_db if no
> $datadir/mysql/user.frm exists.

i think the new version of mysql_install_db does something like this.


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