On May 22, Philip Charles wrote:
> Two comments.  Cost per vendor?

Obviously inversely proportional to the number of vendors who wish to
take part :-)  Beyond that, I can't say (we'd need a quote from Linux
Journal; also, if there are any Linux mags outside the US it would
probably be good to run the same ad there).

>               As far as I am concerned it would need to have a strong
> international flavour.

Agreed.  Perhaps the listing could be grouped by geographic region or
something, maybe with little icons for various things with each
listing (i.e. the Motorola "M" logo for people that sell m68k CDs, "$"
for distributors who donate to Debian, etc.).

Of course, if it only runs in LJ it may not be worthwhile for vendors
in non-Anglophone countries to participate (though, of course,
anyone's welcome)!

|        Chris Lawrence       |  You have a computer.  Do you have Linux?   |
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|   Grad Student, Pol. Sci.   |   Visit the Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5:    |
|  University of Mississippi  |   <*> http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/ <*>    |

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