On 19 Nov 2001, Philip Hands wrote:

> I'd guess the people responsible for each port should make a decision
> about how useful a mini-CD would be for them.

hmm, slightly ambiguous - those responsible for each port have already
decided that a cd distro is a useful thing to have (for the ports that
already have one) so this is a combination of that plus an "official"
version.  IMHO, if it's useful for i386, it's useful for them all for
much the same reasons except they have a smaller userbase.

> I can do as an extra step in the build process.  The current mini-CDs
> I've seen were all mostly hand-crafted, which didn't strike me as very
> maintainable.

aye - that's what i was afraid of too.

> Should we be aiming at "as small an image as is useful" or "as much
> useful stuff as we can fit on a business card CD" ?

or somewhere in the middle.  if a BCCD holds say 150M, should we aim
to produce an image that is 100M, that is there is now an official image
which can be used, of which 2/3 is the base install and 1/3 is available
for local content/applications.  this allows the "base" image to be
reused for a number of things.

> Maybe we should do 2.  The smallest possible useful net-install CD,
> and the most useful possible CreditCard iso.  They're both going to be
> pretty small, so space isn't much of an issue, just deciding what
> needs to go on them.

IMHO we should only do one, since doing more than one is starting to
get into the maze of twisty windy passages that was the web site, in
terms of choice..

i.e, with one small iso, a user gets a choice of:

o download a very small ISO which you can use to get on the net and
  then update packages from your closest mirror

o download a full ISO set if you don't have a net connection or need
  a "reference" set of ISOs.

this also allows for developers/cd vendors to customize the former if
they wish.

side note.

there is a lot to be said for the "official" iso images being available
as a reference btw - a lot of places don't quite espouse the debian
updates, perhaps for QA/change control reasons and it can be very
useful to have a known stable release one can consistently install.
and reinstall from official images.


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