
in bug #185238 I have been requested to add an autorun.inf file to
debian-cd so that the documentation is opened by default when you insert
a debian-cd on your Windows PC.

Unfortunately it's not that easy, it requires including an external
program to make it work on all Windows. Is that worth it ? Also I'd like
to know what happens if I put a cd with the "start index.html" stuff in
Windows NT/2K, does it silently fail or does it show an error ?

In the same manner I might propose to start the install/boot.bat script
(start of install with loadlin) with a second option that is visible
with a rigt click on the CD. This is good if install/boot.bat is
frequently used and is considered a good way to start the install
process. Unfortunately I never used this script (i'm used to boot right
on the CD) and as such I don't know if this would be a good idea.

Thank you in advance for your feedback !


Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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