On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 10:51:23AM +0200, Jan Kesten wrote:
> I've some problems buliding official images via jigdo, I´ve tried sparc
> and powerpc and all except the fist cd (us and also non-us) are good. But
> on the first one there are some files jigdo can't find. Is there any
> solution?

You already reported the same symptoms in a mail on May 6th, and it turned 
out that jigdo did work, but you were just wondering why it insisted on 
fetching some files from us.cdimage.debian.org:

> RA> Are you getting an error message "Aargh, 13 files could not be
> RA> downloaded", or did you just notice some 404 error messages?
> Neither - in midst of the progress there is a message like 9987 of
> 10000 files found required by the template. After that I am asked for
> a mirror to get the files from.

Is the same thing happening again now, or does jigdo-lite fail completely? 
If it really fails completely, please send the last few screens of its 



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  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key:
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