On Thursday 13 December 2007, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> Frans Pop wrote:
> > Note that my options 3 and 4 basically _are_ your option 5: the
> > official Etch installer is not touched.
> Okay, so option 4 includes the building of a netinst image then?

Yes. One using the Lenny installer and only including the kernel images for 
the new Etch kernel.

My suggestion would be to include the following in option 4 (possibly only 
for selected architectures):
- a businesscard image
- a netinst image
- a 3 image full CD set (three, as the Lenny installer will support changing
  between multiple CD images during the installation)
- a 1 image DVD set
- possibly the multi-arch CD and DVD
- no source images (except for the multi-arch DVD)

> btw your latest reply still had the wrong address for project-etchnahalf.

No, it didn't. At least, not as far as I can see.

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