On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 15:47:33 +0200
Colin Alston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> Firstly, sorry if this is the wrong list - please do flame me in the 
> right direction if it is.
> I'm trying to make sense of http://wiki.debian.org/DebianCustomCD but 
> I simple can't.
> Between the conflicting tasks defined there, large chunks of random 

They're not conflicting, they are alternatives.  Perhaps that needs to
be made more clear.

> code spam, and the absolutely tragic use of English, I'm completely

The code is mostly stuff that is needed in order to make the process
work.  As for the tragic use of English, perhaps you could be more
specific?  The article doesn't explain 'why' you do what you do, it
just says, 'do this'.

> at my wits end with regards to deciphering the process of generating
> a customised install CD.
> I searched this list archive for something too, however most of the 
> responses point to dead links and equally irrelevant looking
> information.
> I have some custom packages, and a dependency chain. I can apt-move
> it into a big pool along with the install CD pool. All I want to do

Have you figured out how to make the pool available to apt?  If not,
then that is part of what the article covers.  It may need to be
clarified, but it isn't wrong.

> is bundle that into a Debian install CD for people.
> What comes next? There is some blabbering about "installer-i386" 
> (which should be clearly labelled as the 'debianinstaller' package 
> really), and following that there is some (to put it politely) 

Actually no, installer-i386 is the directory containing the
debian-installer exactly as needed for debian-cd (which builds the
install cd set).

> incoherent talk of udebs, installer-i386 (AGAIN) and overrides.

.udebs are like .debs but are used only by the installer and overrides
are files on the debian mirrors that are needed by the apt-ftparchive
command in order to generate the Packages.gz and Sources.gz files
needed to create a proper mirror (i.e. one that is recognized by apt,
which is needed by debian-cd).

> Is Simple-CCD the tool to use? If so, can that horrendous 

Simple-CDD is certainly easier, but can't do the full range of things
that can be done in terms of creating custom cd sets.

> DebianCustomCD article just be binned so it isn't the first thing to 
> come up on Google?

Perhaps you just want to edit the Simple-CDD part of the article to say
that if Simple-CDD is good enough then you don't need to bother with
the rest?

The article is for people who want to know the steps involved, for
example if they are going to do something Simple-CDD can't do.  Also,
it was written before Simple-CDD was available.

And that's my crabbing done for the day.  Got it out of the way early, 
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or 
strangle cute bunnies or something.   -- Michael Devore
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