at bottom :-

On 17/01/2017, schatzclan <> wrote:
> Package:
> I have two PC boxes:
> 1997-vintage - i586-200Mhz/128M/6.3G. I have given up installing Debian
> due to performance issues and a problem with “i386 8.x.0 LXDE CD#1”, as
> the hybrid iso images on versions 8.5.0, 8.6.0 and 8.7.0 seem to be
> damaged. The MD5 checksums all showed a valid download using two
> different download methods: direct d/l and bitorrent - identical results
> in unexpectedly larger actual file size (642M) vs reported size (613M)
> for the “i386 8.x.0 LXDE CD#1” iso. The “i386 8.5.0 XFCE CD#1” ISO image
> mounted cleanly on the mac laptop and cleanly installed but took 3 1/2
> hours to install on the system and still had serious performance issues.
> I gave up and put a slightly older version of Vector Linux on this
> machine which more or less works.
> i686-2.8GHz/1.2G/40G (Hewlett-Packard d330 uTower). I tried to load it
> with "i386 8.6.0 DVD 1" ISO image - iso was damaged although checked OK
> via MD5, nor would it mount on a Mac Laptop (used to download and check
> all ISO images). The “bad” ISO image was placed on a bootable 32G USB
> which booted to the graphical installation screen - installation was
> completely performed, but post installation reboot failed to launch the
> GUI. Post-install, there appear be missing XF86 utils and config files
> due to the bad image, unless this revision has removed them as part of
> the release. To get something fully working on this box I installed
> Slackware 14.1.
> I have downloaded and validated “i386 8.7.0 LXDE CD #1” and it has the
> same mounting problems on the Mac laptop as the previous two revisions
> (8.5.0, 8.6.0), thus I’m reticent about loading onto any machine.
> I have jigdo d/l'd "debian-8.7.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso", MD5'd it (checked
> OK). It has the same inability to be opened on the mac laptop as all the
> other 1st cd's.
> You may want to check the 1st disk ISO images to make sure they are
> valid.
> Could it be that the hybrid CD/USB iso is causing problems? This doesn’t
> seem to be the case for “i386 8.5.0 XFCE CD #1”, which cleanly mounted
> on the mac laptop and loaded (very slowly) on the i586 box.
> Cheers, Charles F. Schatz

Dear Charles,

While only the experts can help you out, I would suggest to use
sha1sum or sha224sum instead of md5sum when trying to check signatures
of the image you downloaded.

The second thing, although not exactly relevant to your situation is,
i586 support was taken out about a year ago -

But as can be seen this is for stretch and beyond. With jessie you
shouldn't have problems. shows that the release you are
using should not effect you.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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