
Is cdimage.debian.org the right place for installation images for single
board computers?
i.e. raspberry pi and many others. I'm interested in the odroid HC1 for

These often need non-free packages included, e.g. the arm firmware blobs
signed by the vendor.

I figured out how to install debian on these boards, thus I wonder how to
productionize this, i.e. get away from a README with notes and commands to
copy&paste to a full integration with Debian (well, at least the parts that
allow including non-free firmware blobs due to necessity). Any pointers?

My installation instructions (posted on debian-arm) need no changes to the
deb packages, just the typical dance with gparted, mkfs, multistrap, create
files like hostname, fstab, /etc/network/interfaces etc., - and add the 4
blob files installed into non-partitioned disk space along with the boot

Is Debian only targetting D-I installs, or is there a place for images with
a full installation?
For single board computers the typical and easiest way seems to be writing
an image to an SD card on a desktop or even windows machine, and when that
boots it is ready to use.

Are the mechanisms open source i.e. can I checkout whatever code, run it
locally, perfect it until the images are good, submit the patch for review
to get it included into the official debian run mechanism so the results
are published and produced along with the rest? Any pointers?

Thanks, Andreas

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