>> I'd not investigated this in detail after installation from the live 
I just want confirm that I speak about the installed system. I have created
from the .iso the live usb, and immediately have run Graphical install. 

Wow, at this time (late...) I have found the green download link at the 
debian.org page! Great!

As next step would be great a clear info, how to choose a gui, or better a
question inside the installer.

I understand now I should always use netinst (and for kde break the start 
and add parameter like tasks="kde-desktop, standard"), but this is not very
convenient and sure very bad known.

Thank you for help and answers, Steve,


---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com>
Komu: Mirek Zvolský <zvol...@seznam.cz>
Datum: 9. 11. 2017 18:15:21
Předmět: Re: serious bug in dvd .iso (at least kde,unofficial+firmware):
breaks seeking in KDE menu + breaks some unicode characters
"On Thu, Nov 09, 2017 at 04:28:11PM +0100, Mirek Zvolský wrote:
>Hi Steve,
>it was this one (live):

OK, that's what I thought you'd say but I wanted to be sure.

>(setting of keyboard layouts will break kde menu (seeking for keystrokes)
>some accented czech/slovak chars ČŘŽŠŇŤÁÉÍÓ...(splitting them into 2
>characters) in gnome apps and maybe java apps)

Right. It's a known issue running from the live image directly, but
I'd not investigated this in detail after installation from the live
image. For an installation you're going to use seriously, the
installer images are often a better bet than the live images I'm
afraid. :-/

>There is second problem with this .iso:
>kde_l10n_sr (some serbian support) contains some file which breaks the 
>to 'testing' and leaves apt in corrupted state. (of course you can 'apt 
>kde_l10n_sr' earlier)
>I'm sorry I don't remember the exact error message from the upgrade to 

Yuo, that's another known issue that's also stopping us from building
any testing KDE live images at the
moment. (https://bugs.debian.org/864927). I've chased the KDE
maintainers for a fix in unstable rather than just experimental, with
no effect so far.

>PS: I never used debian lists. Was it ok to write using mail client to 
>debian-cd@.. and now answer to you directly? Or should I request a
>in the list?

Please keep the list in CC on all responses - I'm not the only one
who's likely to respond. You don't need to be signed up on the list to
send messages.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. st...@einval.com
"I can't ever sleep on planes ... call it irrational if you like, but I'm 
afraid I'll miss my stop" -- Vivek Das Mohapatra


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