On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 05:43:24PM +0000, James Addison wrote:
>Followup-For: Bug #1031696
>Thinking aloud: as an alternative, would adding the '-f' flag to MKISOFS
>achieve the desired result for both documentation and firmware files, without
>requiring any other changes?

No, then I expect we'll simply end up with duplicate copies of the

>(I'll mention as context that there are symlinks in the debian-faq tarball
>that is used as input for the on-disc documentation)

Then a better answer for this edge case is to manually flatten the
symlinks to hard links. But of course that will only work for files
and won't work for directories. Probably best not to worry about the
FAQ tarball here, to be honest.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"This dress doesn't reverse." -- Alden Spiess

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