Hi all,

On 26-03-2023 19:55, Steve McIntyre wrote:
Nobody else seems to have replied yet, so... :-)

Two weeks have gone by since the last mail in this thread.

If I did the bookkeeping correctly, the missing necessary teams are press and
release team, as I now have:
kibi      - 6, 13, 20, 27   d-i
mhy       - 6, 13, 20, 27   ftp
Sledge    - 6, 13           CD
Luna      - 6,     20       CD testing
elbrus    -    13,     27   release team

The 13th is in a month from today. We're still missing press and a cooked solution for the release team.

That means I'm going to have two part in this e-mail:
1) question in public what the options are for me handling the release
2) extend with possible dates into June (because finding a date seems to
   be a major bottle neck for the bookworm release)

Re 1)
I'll be at the Debian Reunion Hamburg on the 27, so that feels like a good day (albeit probably missing talks) to do the release if I were to handle it without the experienced team members. We would still be missing CD & press too for that day.

For me to do the release, I'd need to get my hands on the key, but I don't see me traveling to Jonathan any time soon (and I don't expect the reverse to happen either). Are there *established* secure ways of handing over keys without real-life meetings?

I think that most of the required actions for the Release Team during a release are documented on the Wiki [1]. I think I can handle those (albeit some are documented a bit dense). Are there known items missing?

Re 2)
Let's see when people are available for
  May 13, 20, 27
 June  3, 10, 17, 24

In June, I can do 10 and 24 and if needed I can arrange 3.


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/ReleaseCheckList/BookwormCheckList [While Releasing]

PS: quoting stappers: Silence is hard to parse

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