Myself only has answers to some of the questions below:

Min Xu wrote:
Good idea! Me first:

1 How to use MSN chat (in Chinese ) in Debian?

I think just set LANG would work.

2 How to print Chinese from Mozilla

Quite complex I remember. Need modify pref.js of mozilla and setup ghostscript to support Chinese too.

3 How to properly set char encoding in mutt/Thunderbird/

don't know.

4 What's different between UTF-8/GB2312/EUC/BIG5/GBK... What should I choose?

really want to know.

5 Why 5460 can't be viewed on Debian?

Install tomcat, and use a tool I got from a BBS. The file is here:

Again, I am not the author. But it works very well.

6 What's the best way to connect to a Chinese bbs.

Which term? Or maybe mozilla is the best? ;-)

7 Does Mplayer Chinese subtitles work?

Never tried this.

8 How to burn Chinese filenames on CD that windows can also read correctly?

I use to burn CDs with gcombust, all chinese filenames can be viewed in Linux, but no in Windows. Very frustrating. :-(

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