确实,现在 Debian main 里 stardict 词典的缺失是个大问题,我会努力找一些版权合适的词典来放进去。
关于 team maintain 的问题,正如 Andrew 所言,现在 stardict 维护者的主要问题不是 fix bug 的技术问题,
而主要是整理关于文件的版权问题和跟上游沟通的工作,我认为这些工作转为 team maintain 并没有更
合适。至于我个人,我并不敢承诺马上能胜任新的维护者的工作,毕竟 stardict 历史悠久,这个工作挺
复杂的,我还是再做几个 NMU 试试看。

On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 5:21 AM Anthony Fok <f...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 8:16 PM Andrew Lee <ajq...@debian.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Emfox and Boyuan,
> > (Cc'ed to jbi...@debian.org as he has done the NMUs)
> >
> > I have no time and no interests on this package anymore since it more on
> DFSG-free license issues rather than packaging issue that needs to talk to
> upstream.
> > Feel free to take over the maintainership of this package from me.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > -Andrew
> >
> > Emfox Zhou <emfoxz...@gmail.com> 於 2019年11月21日 週四 上午9:45寫道:
> >>
> >> 接手就算了,stardict 历史悠久,里面各个软件工具错综复杂,就刚刚你讲的这个exe问题就几乎是无解的,除非自己按功能重写一遍……
> >> 既然提到了,我最近有空看能不能把那几个RC的bug搞一搞,NMU啥的还是可以的嘛
> >>
> >> On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 5:23 AM Boyuan Yang <by...@debian.org> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> 在 2019-11-20三的 15:45 +0800,Emfox Zhou写道:
> >>> > 其实这一块Debian对于软件维护者的保护有些过了,维护者三五个月不理会严重等级的bug,MIA大半年,都没什么影响,而新人想
> >>> > 要接手,流程却很麻烦,要不断地确认,NMU也好直接参与维护也好,稍有不小心就会被人说aggressive。
> >>> > 算了不多说了,这些是社区长期的传统,也没啥好抱怨的,只是顺便吐个槽。
> >>> >
> >>> > On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 2:57 PM Liang Guo <bluestonech...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>> > > On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 1:06 PM Emfox Zhou <emfoxz...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > stardict 有两位DD做为维护者,我们直接去插手没有必要吧……
> >>> > > > 我很早以前维护过几个stardict的英汉和汉英的词典包,但是因license不明的问题又被踢出Debian了。
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > 有很多DD应为各种原因,没有使自己维护的软件包处于很好的状态,这时候如果有人愿意帮忙维护相关的软件包,很多人还是很欢迎的。
> >>>
> >>> 只针对 stardict 这个软件来说:我和 foka 在2018年邮件联系过,如果有哪位对修 bug
> >>> 或者继续维护软件感兴趣的话接手是没问题的,这次绝对不会被人称为 aggressive。本封邮件抄送两位维护者。
> >>>
> >>> 目前 stardict 软件上游混杂了授权不明的各种二进制文件(例如 .exe 文件),对其进行剔除、以及对新版 mariadb
> 的支持会是工作的重点。
> >>>
> >>> 对于词典数据包:个人看法是词典数据来源不明的问题是最危险的,如果公开提供了被原作者禁止分发(重分发)的数据的话就不仅仅是 non-free
> >>> 的问题,而是被发现会直接吃官司的问题。其它具体的技术手段,包括是否使用 wget | sh
> >>> 的方式进行安装以及安全性等等都是次要问题。如果有哪位感兴趣的话可以对本串邮件中提及的软件仓库中的 deb
> >>> 包解包研究一下,我个人看法是至少金山公司直接前来提告是一点问题都没有的。
> >>>
> >>> 提供 non-free 的软件或数据并不是洪水猛兽,不同软件具体的许可证限制可能五花八门,但上游允许重分发是底线,这也是 Debian 的
> non-free
> >>> 仓库所遵循的条件之一。
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Boyuan Yang
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Emfox Zhou
> >>
> >> GnuPG Public Key: 0x10000DEB
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > -Andrew
> Dear all, 大家好:
> Thank you for all your discussions, 感谢大家热烈的讨论。
> About Faris's (@atzlinux) initial post about sharing 3rd-party (non
> Debian-released) StarDict dictionary data packages, I would simply see
> it as "resource sharing" by an end user, and thus I would neither
> discourage or encourage it.
> 关于 Faris (@atzlinux) 当初分享的“第三方”(非 Debian 发布的) 星际译王词典数据包,我想简单视之为一个普通
> end user 的 “资源分享”的“便民服务”,所以我不会特别“支持”或者“不支持”。
> However, since the source and "legality of distribution" of the
> dictionary data are "unclear", the Debian Project can never include
> such data, not even in non-free, and can never endorse them.  A random
> post here on debian-chinese(-gb) is OK, but we cannot mention or
> promote this on Debian websites.
> 不过,因为这些词典数据的来源和“发布的合法性”存疑,Debian Project 自然不可能打包这些数据,连放进去 non-free
> 都不可以,所以在 Debian Project 的角度来看自然是无法认可的。在 debian-chinese(-gb)
> 邮件列表偶尔一封邮件讲一下无所谓,但 Debian 的各个网站等就不可能提及甚或推广了。
> Of course, there is the danger of "curl/wget" fetching and running a
> shell script as root, etc.  All I could say is: exercise common sense;
> end users beware.
> 当然啦,关于用 root 盲目执行从网上 curl/wget 下载的脚本,我只能说:终端用户该有相关的安全意识,慎重。
> If I understand correctly, the current issues with StarDict is not so
> much with the engine itself (already packaged in Debian), but with the
> lack dictionary data that we could legally include within Debian.
> 据我的有限理解,目前 Debian 中的 StarDict 相关问题,主要不在已经 Debian
> 打包的词典引擎本身,而是在于缺乏可以合法地包含进 Debian 的词典数据包。
> In recent years, I have had the chance of using some open-source based
> dictionaries, for example, moedict.tw (Ministry of Education of
> Taiwan), words.hk (a community-organized Cantonese on-line
> dictionary), as well as Pleco the mobile app which contains several
> open-source Chinese/English-Chinese/Chinese-English dictionaries, and
> these are probably the correct ways to have legal and
> free-to-distribute dictionary data included within Debian
> out-of-the-box.  我近年有机会接触到一些比较自由公开的词典,例如 moedict.tw 萌典、words.hk
> 粵典、Pleco 手机应用中的一些免费而且开源的中文/汉英/英汉词典数据,可能这些才是让 Debian
> 能自带合法并且可以自由发布的词典数据的唯一正确出路,也是真正的“便民”之计。
> Kudos to moedict.tw and g0v.tw for spearheading such open-source
> efforts, see https://www.moedict.tw/about.html for example where much
> of the dictionary data is available under the "CC BY-ND 3.0 TW"
> license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/tw/deed.en
> 感谢“萌典”和“零时政府”等项目牵头类似的开源工程,见 https://www.moedict.tw/about.html。
> While the NoDerivs is not good for Debian "main", but perhaps good for
> "non-free", or perhaps even the possibility of downloading such "CC
> BY-ND" dictionary data from within StarDict.  After all it is legal.
> 虽然 "CC BY-ND 3.0 TW" 的“禁止改作” 使进入 Debian "main" 不可能,但进入 "non-free"
> 应该是可以的。万一真的不行,就从 StarDict 中让用户直接下载,毕竟是完全合法的嘛。
> Last but not least, I am glad that Emfox voiced his frustration about
> the difficulty of newcomers trying to contribute, and that Boyang
> responded encouraging such contributions.  I am even more gladdened by
> the fact that Emfox found our StarDict git repository on Salsa
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/stardict , pushed a commit, and even
> uploaded a new release!  Great job Emfox!
> Now that Andrew had just orphaned the package in
> https://bugs.debian.org/945198 (Thank you for all the great work you
> have done to this package over the years, Andrew.), and seeing how
> well Debian's team-maintained packages work nowadays, do you all think
> it is a good idea to set the StarDict's debian/control Maintainer to
> "Debian Chinese Team"?  (Should we ask the Salsa support team to move
> the repository from https://salsa.debian.org/debian/stardict to
> https://salsa.debian.org/chinese-team/stardict too?)  All team members
> are invited to contribute to the Salsa stardict repository directly or
> via merge requests; and for frequent uploaders, you are welcome to add
> your own name to the Uploaders list in debian/control too.  What do
> you think?
> Cheers,
> Anthony

Emfox Zhou

GnuPG Public Key: 0x10000DEB
