On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 08:03:17AM +0800, Adoal Xu wrote:
|> Depends: cwnn, doc-linux-zh, intlfonts-chinese, rxvt-ml, wnn-common, xcin, 
xfntbig5p-cmex24m, xfonts-cjk
|Are input method servers neccessary for boot floppies? I don't thnis so.

No, I think you've misunderstood the use of the task-chinese package.
It's a 'meta-package' for the users to choose during the installation
step so that they can just choose this task-chinese package and then
all the 'depended' Chinese software will be installed automatically.

|> Architecture: all
|> Description: Chinese-speaking environment
|>  This task package installs modifications that makes it easier to use
|>  Debian for chinese-related operations.
|>  .
|>  It includes fonts, modified programs and documentation

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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