Found this <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in chinese.comp.linux.development:

== BEGIN forwarded message ==

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (x--- ROT-13 First!! -=Hateme=-)
Newsgroups: chinese.comp.linux.development
Subject: Unix 編程初學者必看 --> Unix 編程常識問答
Date: 23 Dec 1999 12:48:33 GMT

什么 daemon 編程,單字符輸入,都有相關回答。

== END forwarded message ==

[ This  mail  was originally  sent to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ and was forwarded to this list automatically.  GB characters are also 
converted ]
[ to Big5 at the same time.  Note that there may be errors  during the 
conversion ]
[ as this is not done by a human!                                               

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