Hello hashao,

Wednesday, June 28, 2000, 5:02:26 PM, you wrote:

z>> GPL的這條要求並不了解,二是XTeam的網站到現在還沒有更新,正經是沒有力
z>> 量來做,三是XTeam隻有在1.0光盤發布的時候沒有源碼盤,這原因是可以理解
z>> 的,因為國內光盤發售渠道對於當時的XTeam來說太緊張了,沒有能力要求發行
z>> 渠道為銷路不順的Linux發兩張光盤,價錢也會太高。

h> Not because no source code CD. It is okey to not have source code CDs
h> but they should at least provide source code on request. They did not
h> do that till now for (L)GPLed softwares.

I think I made a mistake. hmm... Since Xteamlinux did not provide
download for their binaries(I cannot find download at their site),
they have no obligation to provide source codes to anyone who did not
buy binaries from them. They cannot stop others to redistribute
xteamlinux but they should not responsible for providing source code
to users who get binaries from redistributors.


Best regards,
 hashao                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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