On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Anthony Fok wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 07:08:22PM +0800, Wan Hing Wah wrote:
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VT-220 ©M VT-102 «Ü´¶¹M¡Acrxvt 
> > > À³¸Ó¥i¥H¦p±`³B²z¡A¤j·§¤£·|¦³°ÝÃD¡C ^_^
> > > 
> > when I telnet to server which use SunOS....
> > it always says rxvt unknown and need me to enter the terminal again...
> > so troublesome :-(
> > 
> > is there some terminal program which can support many more terminal mode?
> Yes, I am telling you, rxvt and xterm are a LOT more powerful than you
> think!
> Your problem can likely be solved by:
>       $ TERM=vt220 telnet xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xx
> To see what I mean, do this:
>       $ ls -R /usr/share/terminfo
> They are all valid terminal modes, probably far more than what NetTerm
> support.  ;-)
e.g... telnet ustjp1.ust.hk with username:JOBS

in netterm I can only use F9,F10 key when using VT220 mode..
however I try TERM=VT220 telnet ustjp1.ust.hk in linux...
although F9,F10 Key work....F1,F2..etc..key don't work..
I have tried both in crxvt in X and also in console...

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