reassign 97671 tech-ctte,xutils

Anthony has offered no basis for his latest manipulation of my bug list
aside from the derisive remark in the Subject:.

I am requesting the Technical Committee's resolution of this dispute
under Section 6.1 of the Constitution.  Both parties stipulate that the
bug in question is not release critical.  Therefore, this bug does not
fall within the Release Manager's jurisdiction, and I am not aware of
any other grounds upon which the package maintainer's discretion can be
overridden on issues like this.

Please see the bug logs of #97671 for further details and analysis.

Also CC'ing the Project Leader on this, as a current member of the
Technical Committee advised me to do in private discussion.

Ben, if you're reading this, please nag debian-admin to change the
leader alias and forward this message to Bdale.  :)

On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 11:03:10PM -0500, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > severity 97671 serious
> Bug#97671: xutils: why is rstart.real a conffile?
> Severity set to `serious'.
> > thanks
> Stopping processing here.
> Please contact me if you need assistance.
> Debian bug tracking system administrator
> (administrator, Debian Bugs database)

G. Branden Robinson                |      The noble soul has reverence for
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      itself.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      -- Friedrich Nietzsche |

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