On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 01:09:26AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Stephen Frost writes ("Re: (forw) [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Posting on the list 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: md5sum <FILE produces spurious ` -' in output]]"):
> > The TC isn't the only committee in Debian.  [...]
> FSVO `committee', this is true.  But the TC is the only one that's
> formally established and can't really be worked round if it breaks.
> It's also at the top of an `appeal pyramid', if you see what I mean.
> That means it tends to have the most experienced (and so busiest)
> people on it.

This is exactly why it's important that people be able to reach it. If
you look at: http://www.debian.org/intro/organization there is exactly
one email address that can't be used to contact a group. Is this
really the way it should be?

If you do not have the time to deal with this list, you should
seriously reconsider what you can offer to Debian in your position as
the tech committee chairman.

> > As tbm (I think?) mentioned, Debian spamfiltering will be getting an
> > upgrade soon as well.  As for your own spamfilters, I'm not really
> > expecting alot of people to jump up and down and bitch if they're in
> > place for the mailing lists you're on.  [...]
> I'm afraid I didn't make myself.  My spamfilter doesn't _throw away_
> mails that it doesn't like, it rejects them at the SMTP level.  It
> uses criteria that are really only available during the _initial_
> connection from an untrusted host.  Both of these things mean that it
> doesn't work to run it on mail once it has been `laundered' by
> Debian's machines: firstly, the false positives would just vanish
> rather than bouncing, and secondly, its hitrate is hugely reduced.

Luckily for you, murphy leaves in the headers both the old
envelope-sender, and the host it received the email from.

You're already ignoring emails from people who want to contact the
tech-ctte, what difference does it make if you simply drop their
emails at your MTA?

> > Do other people on the committee feel this way?  What about people who
> > have to monitor other lists (Manoj?)?  Honestly, this seems kind of
> > silly to me as a reason to differentiate debian-ctte from the rest of
> > the mailing lists Debian hosts when, really, pretty much all of them
> > fall into much the same category.
> Perhaps I should offer to host the TC list myself.  I could get the
> admins to delegate a mail domain under debian.org, and we could make
> mail to the old addresses bounce.

How do the other people in the committee feel about this issue?



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