On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 12:13:54PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> A. Chairman:

>   It is clear that:

>   1. I stepped down as Chairman;
>   2. Steve, Raul, Anthony and I, and perhaps Manoj,
>      have all voted for Steve as chairman; so:
>   3. Steve is now Chairman.

Since the constitution does not state clearly what the voting period for
chair elections is, and allows a short-circuit of the voting period only
after *all* members have voted (not just when the outcome is no longer in
question, as the rule is for resolutions), I'm reluctant to declare myself
the winner based on 4 votes.

In response to my second call for votes, additional vote mails were sent by
the remaining members;

Bdale: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00050.html
Andi: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00051.html
Manoj: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00059.html

I think Manoj's vote is pretty clear, but I would defer to you as outgoing
chair regarding the validity of the other two votes.  Please comment whether
you interpret Bdale's and Andi's votes as valid ballots equivalent to "1)
Steve 2) Further Discussion".

Otherwise, by default I suppose the vote would end March 3, two weeks from
your resignation mail.  Alternatively, Manoj can invoke secretarial
prerogative to tell us whether he thinks the "one week" mentioned in 6.1.7
doubles for a statement of the length of voting period.

>   It is not clear whether Manoj voted during the voting period because
>   it's not clear exactly when I stepped down, but we should give him
>   the benefit of the doubt.

I believe Manoj voted yes in
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, four days after the
first mail from you confirming that you were stepping down, so should be

>   My apologies for my contribution to the confusion.  I should have done
>   my constitutional research earlier and then I would have been more
>   forceful in my criticisms of the intended approach.

Nothing in stone, so if you feel this should be re-evaluated, let's go ahead
and do so.

>   It is not clear to me whether a chairmanship schedule has been
>   approved and if it has been approved what it would mean.  Steve, as
>   the current Chairman, should tell us what his opinion is.

You, me, and Anthony voted yes on Anthony's proposed rotation; Raul voted
for the committee chair, did not vote on the proposed rotation; Bdale[1]
and Andi[2] indicated they were "ok" or "fine" with the rotation proposal,
but I don't see that this can be taken for a formal "yes" vote on the
proposal in question; Manoj[3] voted "yes" on "rotating the tech ctte chair"
without stating clearly whether he was endorsing the proposed rotation
schedule or just the principle of rotating the chair, but a vote had only
been called for the former so I think this can be understood as a "pro" vote
unless Manoj disagrees with this interpretation himself.  In any case, with
3 (or 4) votes for and no against, the vote passes.

That leaves only the question of interpreting its effect.  Since this body
is constitutionally established and does not have the authority to modify
the constitution, I believe the constitution's requirement that committee
chair elections take place at the time of vacancy must take precedence over
any resolutions we pass.

As chair, I will state that my own "yes" vote on this resolution should be
understood as a statement of intent to step down as chair at the end of
March, as in the original proposed rotation schedule.  I expect other "yes"
votes can be understood the same way, and trust in the honor of each member
of this committee to give up the chair at the designated time.  If anyone
else has doubts about this, or if it is felt after all that a chair election
every two months is too much overhead, the committee can opt to elect a
permanent chair at the end of March instead of continuing with a rotation.
I would recommend deciding this now rather than waiting until the vote is
called, though.

> B. `Requiring implementation':

>   The following draft resolution:

>   ]  (2) Requiring an implementation of proposals
>   ]
>   ]  So I propose we establish a rule that we won't make decisions on
>   ]  issues that aren't ready for an immediate NMU when we make that
>   ]  decision.

>   was proposed on the 15th of February by Anthony.  Andreas, I, Raul
>   and Manoj voted no (formally, Further Discussion).  Steve and
>   Anthony voted yes.  With four votes against, the outcome is no
>   longer in doubt and the resolution is defeated.

My count of the votes:


Anthony: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00033.html
Steve: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00035.html

Against (FD):

Ian: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00036.html
Andi: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00039.html
Manoj: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00059.html

I don't see any formal vote from Raul on this proposal after the vote was
called, though he did state his disagreement with it during prior
discussion.  Please let me know if I've missed a mail.

Either way, this resolution fails.  At least one "Further discussion"
vote seems to suggest that a more detailed proposal might gain additional

> C. `Advisory opinions':

>   The following draft resolution:
>   ] (3) Advisory opinions from the chair
>   ] 
>   ] So I propose we establish that our procedure in addressing issues
>   ] is for the chair to quickly issue an initial opinion; and to only
>   ] vote on issues when an official ruling is needed (eg, to overrule
>   ] a maintainer) or when members of the tech ctte disagree.

>   was proposed on the 15th of February by Anthony.  Raul, Manoj and I
>   have voted no.  Andreas and Anthony voted yes.  Steve initially
>   voted yes but in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on the
>   20th of February he seems to retract.

TTBOMK, my only "vote" on this was
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, an abstention.

>   That's 2 in favour, 3 against, and one unclear.  There are two days
>   left for someone else to vote or someone to change their mind.  The
>   outcome is only in doubt because it's not clear that Steve's most
>   recent message was intended as a no vote; Steve, could you clarify ?
>   Note that if Steve votes `yes' and nothing else happens then Steve
>   gets to use his casting vote.

Since I'm not aware of having voted yes on this, I don't see any reason to
have changed my vote to no. :)  Anyway, by my reckoning the one-week voting
period ended on the 22nd since Anthony called for a vote on Feb 15, so this
vote is closed either way.  Count of votes:

For: none

Against (FD):

Ian: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00036.html
Andi: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00039.html
Anthony: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2006/02/msg00047.html

I'm not aware of any other opinions from the remaining committee members
following the call for votes.  So this fails 3-0.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/


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