On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 08:10:50PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
>Steve McIntyre writes ("Re: Processed: Forwarding to the technical committee"):
>> I believe that Eduard has already come up with a GPL-compatible build
>> system to use with cdrtools, but he is nervous of the possible
>> consequences of applying such a patch. Joerg Schilling has apparently
>> been getting threatening in email discussion over the last few days;
>> there is a long German thread on this in the alioth pkg-cdrtools-devel
>> mailing list.
>I can't seem to find a public archive of pkg-cdrtools-devel.  Could
>you help me out by providing a pointer ?

For some reason (?), it's not a public archive - it's linked from


as Joerg points out.

>> In the face of such an aggressive upstream author with strong and
>> controversial opinions about the GPL, forking may be a difficult
>> option. Complete removal from Debian might be a better option, but I'd
>> like some other opinions on this before we go to such lengths.
>IMO if we can fork it and remain confident of (a) our legal standing
>and (b) out ability to maintain the code then we should probably do
>What's the state of the alternatives to cdrecord ?

As far as I'm aware, there are a few alternatives for the simple
functionality of cdrecord, but there is no other Free Software that
covers all of its functionality. I'm actually more worried about
mkisofs - there isn't any comparable software for making ISO9660
filesystems, and it's a much more complex piece of software.

There is a fair amount of expertise available to maintain forked code
if necessary. Finding the time to do it is more of an issue, as
always... :-/

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Since phone messaging became popular, the young generation has lost the
 ability to read or write anything that is longer than one hundred and sixty
 characters."  -- Ignatios Souvatzis

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