At 1196610406 time_t, Anthony Towns wrote:
> Abraham, Julien, do you have sensible alternative names for your packages
> (eg, incorporating the existing libconfig into the libabz package,
> or renaming the new libconfig package to libconfig-hyperrealm)? If so,
> what are they?

Something like libconfighr I guess.
libconfig-hyperrealm is a bit too long IMHO.

> > I don't have a problem with restricting the scope of the
> > decisive part of the TC's formal ruling, provided that we can come up
> > with some way to avoid the substitute names being just as poor.
> I'm afraid I'm struggling with incredulity that we even need to deal with
> that... NEW processing should deal with it, and the maintainers involved
> should be able to figure out that "libconfig1" isn't going to work...

For the record, I think you talk about libconfig1 because my ITP of
new-libconfig was renamed to libconfig1. This is _not_ my choice, that
renaming was done by tbm, see #438683 log.

Julien Danjou
.''`.  Debian Developer
: :' :
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