On Sat, 08 Dec 2007, Anthony Towns wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 09:17:02PM +0100, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> > We had servers that ended up with twice or three times the number of
> > users than other servers in the rotation

> Do you know when this was? The only data for other OSes we've seen [0]
> seems to indicate that most of them don't actually use rule9. Unless
> we can assume Debian and Ubuntu users made up a significant proportion
> of OFTC users, and that the versions of Debian and Ubuntu in use at the
> time implemented rule9.

I don't know the exact dates, but somewhen in the first half of 2006.
About in the middle of the year I looked into the issue for a bit and
filed two bugs against irssi and xchat, asking that they randomize the
result of getaddrinfo()[1].

It's probably a fair assumption that a significant number of our users
are using a Debian-based operating system.

>  [0] http://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2007/09/msg00049.html

I'm a bit confused by this code or rather its result, mainly because it
seems that on all the etch hosts I tried it the results are distributed
(even if not evenly) over the set of IP addresses, yet this discussion
suggests that etch is affected by the Rule 9 issue.  On sid the result
usually consists of a single address returned all 1000 times.

|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python
| >>> print dict([ (l, k.count(l)) for l in k ])
| {'': 66, '': 67, '': 66,
| '': 134, '': 67, '': 67,
| '': 66, '': 67, '': 67,
| '': 66, '': 67, '': 66,
| '': 67, '': 67}


1. http://bugs.debian.org/374715

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