On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 04:08:33PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
>Hi *,
>So, as of today, it's been three years since I was appointed to the
>technical ctte. To me, that seems about the right length to stay on the
>committee -- anything you can't get done in three years doesn't seem
>likely to get finished just by sticking around longer, and in a project
>with hundreds of other clever folks around, there ought to be plenty of
>new faces and ideas ready to bubble up if they're given room.
>So thanks for the privelege of appointment, and best of luck for the
>future, y'all.

Hi Anthony,

Thanks very much for your efforts over those three years, I know
they've been appreciated.

For the rest of the TC: this means you're down to 5 members, which has
special significance in the constitution (see 6.2). Do you have any
suggestions for more people to increase your numbers again? I've had a
couple contact me already to ask about this, and I have some people in
mind myself whom I think would be a good fit.

Steve McIntyre, Debian Project Leader <lea...@debian.org>

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