
I remember working along with you on Debian/Hurd, and don't have any bad souvenirs, so i'm a bit astonished to find you in this situation.

I found Cyril's attitude, and one of the release-team mails to be
extremely annoying, coming up with demands and threats, instead of

I heard many times that you didn't communicate much or at all (not to speak about public statements i could not see by myself), so i'm not surprised after several months people are beginning to be scared about the release (especially in the release team) and, maybe, overreacted a bit.


I fail to understand why people should read VCS stats or logs to hear about your progress, considering the commit count is clearly irrelevant and one might not have the knowledge and time to read all the stuff. Why didn't you use d-d-a to give news about the project, and ask for reviews and help btw?

It really seems to me you didn't trust your fellow developers, which is quite sad. If you were not able to work on this with buxy, maybe another could have helped you.

In any case a multi-arch enabled dpkg will not miss wheezy. But I have
kept finding extremely annoying, demotivating and a drain of fun at
various times when working on Debian for the past last year or so...

Even with all the code reviews of the world, you can't be sure your design will be perfect and will meet future needs. If it happens to be a failure, this code can still be deactivated before the release and the extra control fields / package reorganization won't hurt.

Now that many probably have installed KiBi's package to have a look, you have at your disposal a big bunch of witting guinea pigs and maybe several able to proofread the code, so i really really hope you won't let us down (despite the disagreement).

And let's have a bear some day :-).

Marc Dequènes (Duck)

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