Chris Knadle writes ("Re: Bug#682010: [mumble] Communication failures due to 
CELT codec library removal"):
> The test was done with a patched "348"-1.1 mumble-server and a patched 
> "348"-1.1 mumble client with bundled celt 0.7.1 only.  (i.e. the patches I 
> had 
> already sent.)  The other OSes were running in a VM on the same box, with the 
> mic input going to the VM, and the mic muted in Mumble on the host.  The 
> "Interop" checkbox indicates I heard audio out from the host when talking 
> through the VM.  i.e. I tried to "do a real test".

Right, so the "interop" column tells us whether the proposed mumble
with included 0.7.1 celt will work with these other clients.  And it
largely does.


Thanks for doing the legwork.  It sounded like something of a trial in
parts.  I hope you had fun!

> I have to rush out but if you have other questions I'll be back in about 3 
> hours.

I'm going away for a week starting tomorrow.


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