I vote BCFA.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 12:06:57PM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> I'd like to call for votes to resolve #688772 with the following
> options, with F as further discussion. Both options A and B require a
> 3:1 majority, as they overrule the gnome maintainers; Option C does
> not.

> === START ===
> 1. The TC notes the decision of the meta-gnome maintainers to
>    implement the TC decision in #681834 by:
>     (a) softening the dependency in the gnome-core metapackage
>         from Depends to Recommends, as required
>     (b) adding a new dependency in the gnome metapackage,
>         as a Depends.  (In squeeze, this is where the dependency
>         was, but it was a Recommends.)
> 2. Our intent, as stated in the rationale section of our previous
>    decision (#681834, paras 3 and 5), is that squeeze users who have
>    gnome installed but not network-manager do not find that
>    network-manager becomes installed when they upgrade to wheezy.
> 3. A Recommends from gnome to network-manager-gnome would serve no
>    purpose in wheezy as gnome Depends on gnome-core which already
>    Recommends network-manager-gnome.
> Therefore
> A 4. We overrule the decision of the meta-gnome maintainers to add a
> A    dependency from gnome to network-manager-gnome; this dependency
> A    should be removed for the release of wheezy.
> A 
> A 5. We request that the Release Team unblock update(s) to meta-gnome so
> A    that our decisions may be implemented in wheezy.
> A 
> A 6. We request that a release note is created explaining that gnome
> A    users who do not currently have NM installed consider installing
> A    it.
> B 4. We overrule the decision of the meta-gnome maintainers to add a
> B    dependency from gnome to network-manager-gnome; this dependency
> B    should be removed. If in the opinion of the NM maintainer (and
> B    before the release of wheezy the Chair of the Technical Committee
> B    or an individual delegated by the Chair in consultation with the
> B    Release Team) the concerns raised in ยง4 of the CTTE decision
> B    #681834 have been addressed through technical means (e.g. by
> B    preventing the starting of NM as discussed in #688772), the
> B    meta-gnome maintainers may freely adjust the dependencies as
> B    usual.
> B    
> B    Specifically, valid bugs where existing valid network
> B    configurations are broken by the automatic, required installation
> B    on system upgrade of packages not previously installed which
> B    perform network configuration on should have severity serious.
> B
> B 5. We request that the Release Team unblock update(s) to meta-gnome so
> B    that our decisions may be implemented in wheezy.
> B 
> B 6. We request that a release note is created explaining that gnome
> B    users who do not currently have NM installed consider installing
> B    it.
> C 4. After further discussion, we understand that reintroducing
> C    network-manager on upgrade was part of the intent, due to both
> C    substantial improvements in network-manager and tighter integration of
> C    network-manager with the GNOME desktop in wheezy.  Since the gnome
> C    metapackage has historically been more aggressive at pulling in
> C    additional packages, we believe the move of the dependency from
> C    gnome-core to gnome is an acceptable compromise that was not raised
> C    during the previous discussion.  Users who want to remove
> C    network-manager can still use the gnome-core metapackage to get the
> C    basic GNOME desktop functionality.
> C 
> C    We recommend that this upgrade behavior for users of the gnome
> C    metapackage be documented in the release notes.
> === STOP ===

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