Hi TC and people,

Another issue that might or might have not already been answered, that
was triggered from seeing direct comparison metrics. Do we have some
kind of a metric or some even personal experience with regards to which
project has been the most friendly in accepting patches *from* Debian?

I think it's also important, especially if the patches are not really
relevant to the project's direct goals, say, fixes for a specific
Debian port or missing feature that Debian needs and has a patch for,
but upstream does not care about. I'm being generic here, but it's
quite common for Debian to have distro-specific patches in its
packages. Some of them can be upstreamed, but there are cases where
Debian has to carry those patches around forever. So the question is,
which of the init systems has been the "friendliest" to Debian so far,
if anyone has any experience on this matter?



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