Steve Langasek <> writes:

> Note that the original complaint in the samba upstream discussion was
> about hard-coding of paths to system utilities, which a) is not portable
> between distributions and b) contradicts Debian policy.

> So systemd upstream may support separate /usr, but that doesn't change
> the fact that there are still portability issues when one starts writing
> systemd units.

They're fairly trivial ones, though, no?  Maintaining a local patch to
change the paths in a systemd unit is certainly way less effort than
maintaining the whole unit.  It's akin to changing the #! paths in
installed scripts, which we do all the time.

(I should say, for full disclosure, that I have never been a fan of the
implications of our "always use PATH" policy for init scripts anyway.  I
feel like init scripts or the equivalent should always start the same
binary, regardless of what other things the system administrator has
installed elsewhere on the system, unless explicitly changed by the
administrator.  Having them honor PATH is too likely to lead to really
strange and difficult-to-diagnose problems, since you get different
behavior when manually running the init script versus when it's started at

Russ Allbery (               <>

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