Russ Allbery writes ("Bug#741573: Two menu systems"):
> So, I think the questions before the TC are:
> 1. Should programs that make sense in the context of a typical DE (I
>    realize there's some fuzziness around this) all have desktop files?  If
>    so, what level of Policy requirement should that be?  (Please be more
>    specific than "should" -- maybe talk in terms of expected bug
>    severities?  For reference, I consider man pages and doc-base
>    integration to be a wishlist bug.)
> 2. What level of Policy requirement is providing traditional menu files in
>    individual packages, using the same terminology?


I think that all of these features (desktop files, trad menu entries,
manpages and doc-base bugs) should have the same status.

I would describe that status like this:

 * A maintainer should not be criticised for uploading a package
   without the feature.

 * Contributions to provide the feature are encouraged.

 * A maintainer should accept a patch which provides the feature
   (unless there is something specifically wrong with the patch).

 * In particular a maintainer should not decline such a patch on the
   grounds that they think the feature is not important or does not
   justify the effort of merging (and if necessary carring) the patch.

 * lintian ought to report the lack of the feature as a warning
   (supposed lintian can determine reasonably accurately whether the
   feature is applicable to the package).

I'm not sure that bug severity is a particularly good way of encoding
this kind of information.  Maintainers have different approaches to
bug severity and in general what a particular severity "means" (at
"normal" or below at least) is generally up to the maintainer.

Having said that I don't think "wishlist" is quite right for this.  I
think "minor" is closer.  I think that for a wishlist bug a maintainer
might reasonably decline a contributed patch on even fairly minimal

Some maintainers leave some bugs open a long time as "wishlist
wontfix" rather than simply closing it - that provides a way, for
example, to provide information to people who newly come across the

> Things that I don't think are TC issues:
> * Whether desktop files should be documented in Policy at all.  There
>   appears to be consensus that they should be, and I don't think anyone is
>   disagreeing with that consensus, so there is no dispute there.

Yes.  I think the TC resolution should explicitly state, though, as a
matter of opinion, that the TC thinks it entirely reasonable that
desktop files should be documented in policy.

> * How Policy should formally represent the distinction between different
>   levels of requirements.  I respectfully suggest that this is a question
>   of the maintenance and style of the Policy documentation, not a question
>   of technical policy for the project, and is therefore a matter for the
>   Policy Editors to decide, not the TC.  What we're looking for from the
>   TC is clear guidance on what the requirements are and what level of
>   severity those requirements have.  We clearly need to find some way to
>   represent that in English once we have that guidance, but I don't think
>   this is the place to decide how to do that or what the implications are
>   for all the other "should" statements in Policy.

I'm very happy to leave that to the policy team.  The TC resolution
should explicitly say that that's what we're doing.


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