With the resignation of Russ and notice of impending resignation from
Colin, I believe we should begin the process of finding new members for
the committee.

I see that Don has added an agenda item about this to our next IRC
meeting scheduled for 4 December, but I don't really want to wait until
then to start the process.

We are all aware of activity that may lead to a GR amending the
constitution regarding the committee, but given the nature of such
processes, it seems prudent for us to at least begin the process of
finding new committee members in parallel with that activity rather than
waiting for it to conclude.

I would like to propose that we issue a call for nominations to the
project, similar to the one we used last time.  I'd like to do that this
week.  We can discuss here by email and/or in our IRC meeting on the 4th
issues like what we should look for when parsing the candidate list.

I would appreciate input from the rest of you about what "deadline" to
set for nominations in the call.  Specifically, is it "too fast" to call
for nominations to conclude before our meeting on the 4th of December?


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