On Thu, Oct 06, 2016 at 11:48:36AM +0200, Philip Hands wrote:
> The security team are going to have to track down every instance of that
> code and fix it.  If the bug is something to do with an interaction
> between the code and the tools used to "browserifiy" the code, that may be
> non-trivial.

For the DFSG it is perfectly fine if a package ships a private 
(potentially modified) copy of the code and only works with this 
specific copy.

And providing 3 years of security support for a huge amount
of JS packages sounds challenging in any case.

I would strongly distinguish between the "what is source code according 
to the DFSG" and "what can the security team support" questions.

The former is a general question that is relevant here,
the latter is a release-specific issue that should be
discussed separately.

> Of course, for that to happen we'd have to start accepting tiny
> javascript packages, which is currently not happening (which also seems
> to be a blocker to grunt being packaged BTW).


I cannot imagine a package more tiny than this one that was accepted 
last month.

> Cheers, Phil.



       "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
        of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
       "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
                                       Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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