]] Joseph R. Justice

> Is there any information yet on what formal policy (if any) will be
> used by the release managers for allowing bugs to be tagged
> stretch-ignore? *Was* there any formal policy ever set in place for
> the prior (the current stable) release of Debian, e.g. Jessie, or
> prior to that Wheezy? Was it / will it be entirely ad-hoc and at the
> discretion of the release team?

I believe it's at the discretion of the release team, but they would be
in a better position to answer that question properly.  I believe they
have exceptions for classes of bugs as well as individual cases in the
past (but I do not have the references at hand to back that up, so I
could be wrong).

> If the TC as a body does not feel it can, or does not feel it should,
> override the release team in terms of granting stretch-ignore tags for
> certain bugs or classes of bugs (and, I am not saying the TC *should*
> feel it can or should do this, mind you!), still the TC as a body can,
> if a developer so requests and if the TC as a body agrees it should do
> so, offer an advisory opinion concerning particular bugs / bug classes
> to the release team and/or offer a show of support to the affected
> developer, in terms of saying "we believe stretch-ignore tags should
> be applied to the following bugs / classes of bugs, because ..."
> Correct?

Yes, the TC is free to offer advice on any matter.

> Question of bug process, I guess ... For purpose of stretch-ignore
> tags (should they be granted, of course!), would it make sense to
> create a meta-bug, say "Browserified Javascript in Stretch", make all
> the individual package bugs somehow depend on or refer to this meta
> bug, and then apply a stretch-ignore tag to the meta-bug and allow it
> to propagate somehow to all the individual bugs? Or would it be better
> to just apply the stretch-ignore tag to each separate individual
> package bug? I'm thinking as to what will be most effective in making
> sure nothing gets missed, overlooked, forgotten about, either
> pre-Stretch or post-Stretch.

I would leave the desired process to the release team. I believe it'd be
tagging the individual bugs with stretch-ignore, since that's what's
looked at by tooling.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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