On 2016-11-30 11:39 -0500, Sam Hartman wrote:

> That is, I disagree with you that I need to address the question of
> htags and figure out whether htags users are being impacted.
> That might have been true for one release.
> But over a longer time frame, the really strong presumption is that we
> prefer a version that is being actively developed to one that isn't.
> That if people won't step forward and maintain htags, it goes awy.

Just to be clear, you are confusing 'htags' and 'htmake/htconfig' (I
was too when this started). htags is still here, works fine, and is
not going away, as Punit explained. The thing that is likely to go
away is 'centralised htags browsing using system webserver' which is
what Ron's htmake and htconfig provided.

> But I think what you're getting here from a lot of people is a belief
> that our community norm strongly favors active development and new
> software.  And sometimes when features are effectively not maintained in
> a manner that we can package them, they go away.

Right. We are a distro and by default we package what upstream
provides. A maintainer can choose to go further that that and
add/maintain extra functionality if they like, but it's an ongoing
workload that has to be carried. It is no doubt possible to modify
htmake/htconfig or write something equivalent to provide a centralised
index of 'globalified' source trees, but as upstream no longer
attempts to do such a thing there is a good argument that the debian
packaging shouldn't either. 

I certainly don't think that the fact that this was done once is a
good reason to stop packaging new releases.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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