[ Sorry for breaking the thread but despite I've subscribed the bug
  I need to read it in the browser since I do not receive the mails :-(]

Hi Philip,

On Tue, 06 Dec 2016 12:02:05 +0100 Philip Hands wrote:
> There is no need for them to tick the 'Special tasks' menu item in order
> to install any of the the blends, so to some tiny extent they were
> confused when they did that, were they not?

Just a data point:  Despite the fact that since 2002 med-* metapackages
exist and I'm talking at various events about it all my talks are
featuring the same question from the auditorium:  "How can I install
Debian Med".  We now have some implementation which is not nice in terms
of a usable user menu (I'd be happy about any suggestion how to enhance
this).  We have an implementation for something that from my personal
point of view is urgent for every Blend that is considered releasable by
its team members (and some are not thus the shortened list).

The work of Blends teams is targeting to make Debian the best
distribution in certain work fields and I'm positively convinced that we
have approached this in some fields.  However, the step to tell users
about this success on a technical level (and who is reading the docs
:-P) is the last missing bit which we intend to do by adding it to the

Kind regards



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