Le lundi, 5 novembre 2018, 19.44:21 h CET Tollef Fog Heen a écrit :
> ==== RESOLUTION ====
> Vendor-specific patch series are a feature of dpkg that can be used to
> apply a different series of quilt patches when the source package is
> unpacked on different systems.  Since Debian source packages are usually
> treated as a pure transport format (like tar), this property can cause
> confusion and frustration for users.  Examples could be if only the
> series file for one vendor is updated, or a source package is unpacked
> on one system and then transferred to a system with a different vendor
> for debugging.
> The Committee recognises that there is a need for packages to behave
> differently when built on different distributions, but this should be
> done by using differing source packages, or as part of the build
> process using current and future practices such as patches with
> conditional behaviour or patching of files during the build rather than
> at source unpacking time.
> Since this feature is used by several packages today, we need a
> reasonable transition period.  They will be considered buggy from when
> this resolution is accepted, but it will not be considered severe enough
> to warrant immediate removal from Debian.  After Buster is released, the
> presence of a vendor-specific patch series will be a violation of a MUST
> directive in Debian policy.
> The Committee therefore resolves that:
> 1. Any use of dpkg's vendor-specific patch series feature is a bug for
>    packages in the Debian archive (including contrib and non-free).
>    This should be implemented in Debian Policy by declaring that a
>    package SHOULD NOT contain a non-default series file.
> 2. After Buster is released, use of the vendor-specific patch series
>    feature is forbidden in the Debian archive.
>    This should be implemented in Debian Policy by declaring that a
>    package MUST NOT contain a non-default series file.

I vote A > F

Thanks for writing this resolution down!


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